Our Pardon-the-Turkey Party was a great success. We dressed up a little (boy, was that a riot!!!) and had fun petting turkeys, chickens, rabbits, goats... and of course horses.

Then, we had all the kids ride the horses in the pasture - always a highlight!- and everybody played a lot with the goats in the haybale maze-mountains... Sorry we didnt take any pictures.
Everybody warmed up in the barn with

cookies, chips and dip, hot cider and hot chocolate- yummy!!! The most fun part in my opinion was to listen to the kids' speeches to PARDON THE TURKEY!!! We had a blast and laughed a lot. it was decided that an anonymous vote should be held for the best speech, and Cyrus and Caitlyn won a Spotted Horse Barnyard T-Shirt each!
We are hoping to see you all again soon!
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