So, i have been thinking about posting a blog about my Appenzeller Spitzhauben but just havent had time yet...
I don't really remember how I came across them, but of course it was online. I read about this breed originating in the Swiss Alps, and thought that that would be just the coolest thing to have, with us living at such altitude with scarce vegetation and my European origin and all. the more i thought about it,

the more clear it became: I HAD to have some.
I got my first 6 from Cackle hatchery in June. 5 survived, and i now have 3 roosters and 2 hens. I ordered a dozen hatching eggs from a Spitzhauben breeder in Oklahoma in July. I was SO EGGCITED when she sent me 2 dozen eggs... unfortunately, only 2 eggs hatched (thats the worst outcome i ever had when incubating eggs) and only one survived the first 2-3 weeks. I still don't know if that one chick is a hen or rooster.
I have since gotten in touch with a breeder in Switzerland - Manuela is REALLY NICE and knows a ton about the Spitzhauben.

We have been discussing the quality of my young birds - so far they aren't looking too good unfortunately, because their crests aren't forward facing but rather are leaning back a little. I guess that is a big no-no in the Old World. Manuela doesn't think that the leaning of the crest will change, but i hope that my roos will at least get those horns (their comb) as they mature... I think (if my math is right) they are only about 16 weeks old...
The breed seems to be pretty popular in Germany and Britain, but is not a registered breed here

in the US. Now here is another interesting bit -I have looked into the legalities of importing birds or hatching eggs from Europe and it is near impossible! The regulations are VERY STRICT and the importers facilities have to be bio-secure, which any regular farm of course is not. it is just crazy! As it is, Spitzhauben have been imported from Europe only once earlier in the 20th century, so all US birds go back to some 50 chickens brought here by some guy back then. Bummer.
Anyways, I love my Spitzhauben, they are so fun! they have

somewhat of a leghorn or mediterruienian attitude, they love to roam, free range and find sustenance out in the field, they are very easy keepers. I will probably sell one of the roos soon, and then hopefully get more hatching eggs or chicks in the spring. I dont want to order from Cackle again (their customer service really sucks - they were SUCH A PAIN TO DEAL WITH!!!) but the petchicken site has them too, though i am afraid they might get theirs from Cackle, too. i will have to ask.
If you want to see how an

Appenzeller Spitzhauben is supposed to look like, or just want to learn more about the breed, go to this website:
http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGA/Spitz/BRKSpitzhauben.htmlHere is Manuela's excellent
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