We are so excited to have our first baby goats! Our Toggenburg (Dairy) goat Maya gave birth to twins last week and they are SO ADORABLE! :-)
We purchased Maya and her little buddy Celia in October last year from a friend. Maya had just been bred to a buck. Goats are pregnant for five months, and those last few weeks, I thought Maya was going to explode - she was getting very very big and round.
I wasn't home when Maya delivered the babies in the middle of the day, but got home and checked on her minutes later, because the kids were still wet and she was in the process of delivering the afterbirth. One if the little doelings was trying to stand, the other one was tiny and just laying in the straw. It was very cold last week, even during the day, and I took both of them into the house to dry off and keep warm. I then gave both of them a few ounces of colostrum that i had purchased already from a bottle.

On the positive side, my friend had already had a few of her many goats kid as well, and we ended up taking a little buckling home who was born the same day as our Mimi. We named him Momo.
The little kids eat 10 ounces of goat's milk four times a day - they suck those bottles dry in about 30 seconds flat! We are bottle feeding them to get the kids used to being handled by people easier, and because we pasteurize the milk to prevent any infections transmitted through the milk. I had to learn how to milk on the fly! After many times of milking into my jacket sleeves, or loosing "my grip" and getting no milk at all, or having the doe kick up her hind leg and cause me to drop the milk pail, we seem to become a better team with each milking and am really starting to get the job done in just a few minutes. Despite the soreness of my fingers from the repeated milking move
It is funny how you can already tell their different personalities. Momo is a lot more pushy when it comes to feeding, he keeps getting of the bottle to PUSH PUSH and headbutt me to encourage me to feed him more. Is that a boy thing? :-) Mimi, being a little lady kid, latches on and sucks the bottle dry in one big gulp. She first didn't take as much milk as Momo, but now seems to have a bigger appetite, though they both get the same amount of milk.