My friend Cheryl has a nice big barn where she feeds her barn cats, some tame, some mostly feral. She also seems to have a resident skunk who loves the cat food.. yum yum. So, recently, Cheryl purchased a skunk trap, one of those rather large cage contraptions where an animal can crawl in, but not out, to catch the skunk. I guess her barn gets kind of smelly, and her dogs, Labradoodles, get even more smelly. Hehehehe.
However, catching a skunk is not all that easy... here is her latest account on the skunk trap activities... (Quincy is one of the labradoodles)
OK.....So, I haven't caught a skunk yet in my skunk trap, but I have caught:
The feral cat, Geri
The yellow cat, Tiger
The gray cat, Smokey
The yellow cat again, Tiger
Quincy's head.....twice
and now.......ta da..........a Cuckoo Maran hen, Luverne!
She did make good use of her time, though, and ate all the cat food while she waited to be rescued!